Sunday, January 27, 2019

January 27, 2019

The missionaries have returned to their apartments, the dishes are in the dishwasher and the kitchen is clean; life is good on a Sunday evening in Sarajevo.  Our branch made history again today - we have a trio of "young men" now, not just one "young man".  We had the two deacons pass the Sacrament today.  Two aren't really necessary but it gives them both the opportunity to participate.  One of those deacons was ordained a teacher today and his brother was ordained a deacon.

Preston (deacon), Gunnar (teacher), Kent (deacon)

I love these 3 boys and it makes me so happy to see them ordained and growing up obedient and faithful.

Preston, Rhett Rhees, Elder Cooper, Gunnar

I don't think I've ever posted a picture of the entire Rhees family together.  Their embassy assignment ends a month after our mission and they will return to the U.S., probably to the Washington DC area.  They have been our good friends here and I'm glad I won't have to be here without them!

Paige, Preston, Kaiya, Camie, Sommer, Janie, Rhett, Gunnar

On Monday we spent part of the day with the Sisters, doing P-day stuff.  We introduced them to Mala Kuhina, one of our favorite places to eat here.  It is Asian fusion (sorry, not Bosnian food) and so, so good.  They don't have a menu anymore but we always order the same thing anyway - chicken wok and beef with mushrooms in mustard sauce.  After lunch we all went to the Olympic Museum.  I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I had the thought that I was glad it was free; I would have felt cheated if I'd had to pay to get in.

Elder and Sister Cooper with Sister Fritch and Sister Landon

We were trying to get the Olympic sign in the photo but didn't quite manage that.

Us in front of one of the display cabinets with skiing memorabilia

1984 Olympic Museum

We watched a little documentary about the 1984 Olympics and walked around the displays.  And that was it.

We are starting our round of visits to partners again in search of good projects we can sponsor.  We need to spend at least half of our annual budget before we go home so the new couple has projects underway when they arrive.  It took us about five months to really understand what to do but they won't have that long or the year will be over and the budget given away to another country.

The branch presidency decided that the theme for Sacrament meeting talks this year will be focused on the 13 Articles of Faith.  January was the first - "We believe in God, the eternal Father, and in His son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost."  Elder Christiansen gave a great talk last week about faith in God the Father and Jesus Christ.  Elder Thygerson spoke today about the Holy Ghost.  Both had a unique approach to their topics and did a super job.  When I heard the topic I thought, goodness it's so short and simple.  What more do you really need to say about it?  But they both said just what I needed to hear.

Yes, it is still snowing.  The Sisters came Saturday morning to help shovel us out.  We made pancakes for them and then they went to the Garvin's to help them shovel.  It is supposed to rain tomorrow, so maybe it will all melt.

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